What makes you feel loved?

Episode 415

LISTEN TO: What makes you feel loved?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 415 of The Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast. Glad to be here with you and I hope you know that you aren’t alone in this big world. There are people that feel alone and I just want you to know, we all feel alone sometimes, that’s perfectly normal. It sort of ebbs and flows just like anything else, just make sure you’re reaching out or connecting in whatever way you can because you’re needed in this life, you’re here for a reason, never forget that…..And thank you for choosing to be here with me.

There are moments in my relationship with my husband Eric where I feel incredibly loved. I always feel like he loves me but sometimes, I think, man he really loves me and I can feel it. So many times if he finds out there’s a book I want, a day or two later, it will show up on our front door step. Or how he loves spending time with my family. He knows I love getting dressed up and going to dinner and so he will surprise me by booking one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. I have a lot of allergies to certain foods and he will spend so much time reading every label to make sure something we are buying isn’t going to give me a problem.

Have you ever given any thought to what it takes for you to feel loved? How about your partner, do they have any idea of what you need to feel loved? Do you know what your partner needs in order to feel loved? These are big questions that really matter because feeling loved is something we all want, but it’s also something that isn’t the same for everyone.

I have a good friend that always keeps her home looking perfect. It doesn’t even look like someone lives there. That’s how she likes it. And she has two kids! She told me that the favorite thing her husband could ever do for her was to pick up his clothes or do the grocery shopping or run an errand for her. She said that is what makes her feel the most loved. I couldn’t understand that even if I tried because that isn’t something that would make me feel anything let alone loved. lol. She said oh yes that’s her main love language. This was many years ago, she said she had learned it from a book they read at her church called the 5 love languages.

So I of course I love to read so I read the book she was talking about…The 5 love languages. I found it so interesting but I love things that help me figure things out about why we do the things we do. It was very helpful because it has a quiz that tells you what your love languages are so what makes you feel loved. For me it’s quality time first, physical touch next, and then receiving gifts. Those are the things that make me feel loved.

It makes it so much easier to make sure your partner feels loved when you know what their love language is. If you haven’t already you can take a free quiz online to tell you what your love languages are. If both of you do it, it’s interesting and fun.

The thing is that if you marry someone with similar love languages as yours then those come very natural to you. Eric, my husband and I have our top two are the same. Quality time and physical touch. But he doesn’t care at all about getting a gift. Whereas that’s important to me. His third love language is words of affirmation. So we are very good about spending time together and physical touch because it’s important to both of us. But we have to make a little effort when it comes to our 3rd love language. He has to put effort into little gifts and I have to put effort into leaving him notes so he feels loved.

Knowing that though makes it much easier for me to always make sure he feels loved but also letting him know what makes me feel loved is very helpful for him to know as well. That way neither of us have to guess.

My challenge to you is to think about when you feel the most loved by your partner, what is it that makes you feel so loved? IT’s a good thing to know, but it’s also a good thing to share with them so they don’t have to guess! If you aren’t sure.. take the free quiz online, the 5 love languages quiz! That will let you know what your top 3 are and then you can share it with your partner! But first share this with 3 people who you want to make sure feel loved..I love you guys I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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