Where’s my happy ending?

Episode 368
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Where’s my happy ending?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 368 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!! Thank you for being here. Would you do me a favor? Would you click on the 3 little dots and go to show and then scroll all the way down and give me a 5-star rating if you’re loving it? It means a lot and sometimes we don’t think it matters and oh someone else will do it. But it does matter. So thank you in Advance.

Have you ever watched a movie where you’re so frustrated because it seems like your favorite star just keeps getting kicked in the teeth and you know deep down something good happens in the end but it just seems like they can’t catch a break, sometimes because of their own mistakes and sometimes because of circumstances out of their control and then it makes it all so much more delicious when the happy ending does come because anyone watching knows they deserve it?

We wouldn’t get up and leave before the movie ends and say well that was a horrible movie the star keeps getting their teeth kicked in but everyone else that stayed to the end is raving at how wonderful it was to see the end and how good it felt when things finally ended beautifully for the star of the movie and how glorious it was. Leaving before you see the end or judging the movie without seeing the whole thing makes no sense.

But we do that in our own lives all the time.

My kid didn’t make the football team, I’ts unbearable to watch. My marriage is on the rocks and Im not sure what to do. I lost my job I feel like a failure. I made a huge mistake and I hurt people because of it.

If you stopped the movie in the middle of any of those scenes, meaning if you gave up or threw in the towel or judged yourself forever, you would never get to the good part. Maybe,your kid didn’t make the football team which caused them to try other things and they realize their love for baseball or soccer or it could make them realize they have to work extra hard so they make the team next year. Your marriage goes through a rocky time but you hang in there and get counseling and do the hard work and now you’re better than ever. You’re laid off but You get a new job where you finally feel seen or you meet your new best friends there or whatever good comes from change and maybe the growth you experience from that big mistake puts you on the path you were meant for.

But here’s the thing. We don’t ever stop the movie during the bad part and just keep replaying it over and over never allowing ourselves to move forward to the end where the good stuff is.

But we do that in life too. Keep beating ourselves up and replaying our mistakes. Focusing on all the bad stuff about our partner and trashing them to anyone that will listen. Think it’s the end of the world if we don’t make the team. And decide we’re a failure because our company downsized.

None of which is true and none of which is permanent unless we stop the movie. Unless we stop moving forward. That’s where your happy ending is. It’s always moving forward. It’s never in the past and it’s never staying stagnant, it’s always moving forward. And sometimes life moves you forward and maybe you weren’t quite ready but let me tell ya trying to get back to where you once were isn’t the answer. Now you can replay it over and over in your head just like you can rewind a movie but that doesn’t change the end and the end, that happy ending isn’t happening until you move forward.

If you’ve had a breakup, a disappointment, made a big mistake, someone else hurt you by making a big mistake, the answer is not in the replaying or reliving the moment over and over…the answer, the solution is always moving forward.

When I was younger, I dated a boy who was very very handsome and very very moody. His outlook on life was pretty different from mine. But I thought he was it. Even though I never knew what to expect with him… I didn’t want to be with anyone else. I only wanted him. Now.He wasn’t right for me and deep down I knew it and that knowing kept me from staying in it…so I moved on and it forced me to make some changes and those changes led me to where I am today with another very very handsome man who actually matches my outlook on life. This one is right and I knew it as soon as I met him. But it wasn’t easy getting there and he and I still have to work through things. That’s life. Never doubt your intuition. When deep down you know something isn’t right…you can make that change or the universe will make it for you eventually and sometimes that isn’t as pleasant. You’re gonna have awesome times and you’re gonna have not so awesome times. But the not so awesome times make the awesome times that much better. So don’t wish them away. The not so awesome times are also where the growth happens so don’t try to fast forward.

And a lot of times we ask why does it have to be so hard? Why can’t we just sail through? To that I want to remind you, the reason we don’t fast forward the movie from the beginning right to the happy ending is because that happy ending would mean nothing, it would make no sense at all unless you witnessed everything they had to do to get there. That’s what makes it so satisfying. That’s what they mean by the journey. That tough thing you’re going through, if you keep moving forward, you’re gonna see why it happened that way. And it will be glorious and then you’re going to want something new or you’ll have a new desire and the journey will start all over again. That’s the thing about life. Your desires and your dreams keep moving forward as long as you do.

You’re gonna have hundreds and hundreds of happy endings as long as you keep moving forward. Think about it. When you were young and you wanted a boyfriend or a girlfriend so bad and then you got it and were so happy and then you got your heart broken which caused you to move forward to your next relationship or maybe you were struggling in high school and couldn’t wait until you graduated then you do happy ending but another new beginning. Now you are in college and you’re excited for it but it’s so hard at times and you can’t wait to graduate and then you do. Happy ending. New beginning. And on and on and on.

That’s not gonna end until you die. So don’t judge yourself in the middle. Don’t pause and replay all the bad stuff, just realize that’s part of it and as long as you grow and keep moving forward…so will your life. When you’re going through he’ll keep going..don’t wallow in it. Move forward.

My challenge to you this week is to recognize you hold the remote control of your life. There may be times you want to pause it, there may be times you wish you could fast forward it and there may be times you find yourself hitting the replay button over and over at the bad spots. But the challenge is simply to remember you hold the remote control, all the power is in your hands. You don’t have to be stuck in replay, when your thoughts are spinning, hit pause and give yourself a minute to think how do I move this forward instead of wallowing in the misery? You have the power to keep yourself in that misery but you also have the power to get out of it. Just like in that movie, you know deep down something good has to be waiting for you and it is…but you have to keep moving forward to see your next happy ending. Share this with 4 people who are on the journey of life with you. I love you guys I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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