Whose “GOOD” is the right one?

Episode 351
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Whose “GOOD” is the right one?

Hi guys! Welcome to episode 351 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast! What’s up? Have you guys been living to be the best version of you that’s possible? That’s what we are working for right? Not comparing ourself to anyone other than who we were yesterday. I like that thought

When we are born we have an innate goodness and worthiness that is born with us. I believe we are born with an innate ability to know when something feels right and good or when it doesn’t.

Depending on who raises you, that idea of “goodness” may shift. Now. I’ve said this before and I will say it until everyone believes it including me, the worthiness that you were born with stays with you forever. Your goodness may shift around and we will talk about that but you are worthy simply because you were born and that never goes away.

But Based on what your parents or whoever raised you thought was good is how your idea of goodness shifts. Or based on your teachers or your church leaders. Now you have to conform into something else in order to be considered “good”. But there’s so many different thoughts on what “good” is.

Our inner guidance system is with us from the get go. We innately know when something feels off. Little kids are especially good at it. Animals are even better. Have you ever seen a dog seem extremely uncomfortable around a person? I’d be weary. Kids will pick up on it too. But as we get older and we conform we sort of slowly repress what we feel is right in order to be seen as “good” to those around us. It’s a powerful form of control. That’s why getting back in touch with your inner guidance is important. When you’re in touch with your inner guidance system you aren’t easily swayed. You become difficult to manipulate. That’s a good thing.

I remember when I was still trying to conform to the religion of my parents and they really encourage for you to confess all of your sins to the elders. And there’s a lot of suns. Most things that come naturally as a human is a sin in someway to religion. They say if you don’t conform then you won’t get everlasting life. That’s a powerful tool. So at one point I’m confessing a so called sin and I will never forget one of the elders in the church told me that because I was a sinner, I wasn’t worthy of praying so my prayers wouldn’t reach God, the only way I was worthy of talking to God was through the elders praying for me. That felt so off and so inconsistent with what my inner guidance system was telling me that it was one of the last times I ever had anything to do with that religion. I always had a gut reaction that the things they taught were purely for fear and control but that solidified it for me. I’m thankful really for that moment because it made it blatantly obvious to me that this was not the path I was meant to take. Now. Here’s the thing. It wasn’t easy getting off that path. Everything and everyone I knew was headed down that path. And a lot of those people had the same concerns as me, they just ignored them. At the time I wished that I could, because I would fit in with my family and the people I had grown up with in that religion if I could just ignore my gut and blindly follow what someone else told me was the path to goodness. But I’m more powerful when I’m living my truth and so are you. I’m also a lot happier and freer because I’m not bound by what someone else decides is good. I’m only bound to what my inner guidance system knows is good and right for me but because we have been so shaped by others we have to do some work to get back to where we are in touch with what we know innately. We knew it as a kid. We knew it even as a young adult but at some point we stop believing we are capable of anything and just start conforming to the norms around us. That’s the easy thing to do but it’s not what we were meant to do. That’s why when you think about that thing you’re passionate about you feel so good and it feels so right like writing your book or starting that company or getting healthy. It feels good to think about it but getting off that easy path means things have to change. In order for things to change we have to something different. Something that you aren’t comfortable with. You have to get off that easy path. You know innately what you want but because someone told you it wasn’t possible or life just took you somewhere else your dream of what you really want faded. I ran into a client of mine recently. She and her husband had moved to Dallas because his job transferred there and she is so happy there and loves it so much. She has parents that still live here in memphis and they are older and I asked her how they were and she said when she moved it was like someone died. Her mother had 15 floral bouquets sent to her from her friends as if she were mourning. But yet she still moved to Dallas. She followed her gut and did what was right for her even though it wasn’t what her parents wanted for her. Now she visits them once a month and they are all happy now that they know they still get to see her a lot. But you see most of the time people want you to conform to what they want to preserve their preference or their idea of what would be good for them and sometimes they are pretty convincing. That’s why you have to be strong and more importantly in touch with your inner guidance system.

We are powerful beings. And that power that you have when you follow your own path scares people because they cannot control you. Religion can’t control you. When you dance to the beat of your own drum. Politicians cant control you when you dance to the beat of your own drum. Family can’t control you when you dance to the beat of your own drum. But you know what dancing to the best of your own drum means? It means you have to hear it. It means you have to listen to it. It means you have to follow your gut even when it means getting off that easy well worn path that everyone else is on and seem to be attached by a rope keeping you tied to it. Cut that rope that’s tying you to what everyone else is doing or what everyone else wants you to do. That’s the easy path but it’s not the one that leads to you living your truth. It doesn’t mean you have to immediately jump off that path, but it does mean that you can.

Society wants you to conform but conform to what? Something that doesn’t feel right to you but allows you to remain in the group?

Your power lies in your ability to know when something is right for you and when it’s not.

There is no one “right way”. There is no one path to being “good”. Any time someone is telling you what you should do or what is right for you, there’s an innate feeling of you’re not the boss of me. Little kids are the best at it But when others tell you what to do and it doesn’t feel right. Don’t do it.

But when something does feel right oh man it’s so good. When something just feels right down to your bones go with it. Do it. Embrace it. And don’t force it to happen, just allow it to happen. Don’t need it to be there now just KNOW it will happen as it should. There is no rush. As long as you’re heading in the right direction and your inner guidance knows that direction, and you by extension know it too then it doesn’t matter how long it takes. I read something the other day that said the direction you are heading is WAY more important than the speed in which you’re moving. Brilliant statement. Really think about that. As long as you are heading in the right direction and it feels right to your core, stay the course. The question of the title is Who’s GOOD is the right one? The answer is unequivocally YOURS. Share this with 3 people that need to remember the power of their own internal guidance system. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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