Why do I sometimes feel so unworthy?

Episode 125
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Why do I sometimes feel so unworthy?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 125 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Don’t forget to give me a 5 star rating and share it with a friend if you feel inspired…Someone may really need to hear it this week.

There’s a lot of things going on in the world and it’s debatable if that is new or if we are just seeing it more because of the bombardment of social media and 24 hour news, but regardless, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It’s easy to feel like you are questioning who you are. It’s easy to wonder if you are part of the problem or part of the solution.

I’m going to start this week leveling with you…uh oh…
We’re all in trouble…jk it’s actually the opposite.

I want to say to everyone listening….You’re worthy…… just because you were born. That is every single person’s baseline. Never forget that. No-one on this earth was born more or less worthy than you. We were all born into different circumstances and what we do with those circumstances decides our life. So many of us feel not good enough or not worthy of being loved or not worthy of the good things that come into our lives. But I say this with all my heart..you are worthy simply because you are human. Believe it or not, You’re a miracle and you’re here for a reason. So why do we sometimes feel so dang unworthy? Maybe it’s because you’ve made choices in your life that you aren’t proud of or maybe your life doesn’t look the way you thought it would at this point, maybe you are spending your day looking at everything that’s wrong with the world because that’s what sells.
and to that I say welcome to the world of being human. There isn’t one person alive who doesn’t have something they wish they hadn’t done or said or maybe they wish they’d done differently. That’s universal. Everyone has those feelings at one point or another…so why do some thrive anyway and others seem to stay stuck? What makes us different and what sets us apart is how we respond when we make a mistake. How we let it go or hold onto it.

What sets us apart is how we show up day to day and the food we choose to feed our body and the food we feed our brain.
Our daily decisions and habits are what set us apart.

And I say specifically daily because you can decide any day you want to wake up and make a change. So every single decision you make is important. We and by we I mean those in the Wildly Successful Lifestyle tribe, we can no longer be ok with mediocrity. It’s too easy to fall prey to the “norms” of the world. Who sets those norms? Eat whatever you want or crave, spend all your downtime scrolling or watching TV, keep the news always running at all times in the name of being informed and indulge in whatever you want because you deserve it. You know what you deserve? You deserve to live a healthy, happy, joyous, inspired life. But that inspired, joyous life I just described depends on YOU and the decisions you make daily.

I’ve been doing so much self work for the last really 2 years. I’ve been obsessed with self improvement my whole life. I love it. But, I’ve been really working on myself a lot. There are still days when I scroll on my phone for what seems like 2 hours and then feel weighed down by what I just read, I still have afternoons where I crave sugar and I eat a bag of gummy bears and a bunch of chocolate chips…but the difference now is I recognize how I feel when I do that and it isn’t good. It does not make me think good thoughts about the outlook of the world when I read the news and it doesn’t make my body feel good when I eat tons of sugar, I don’t beat myself up for it, I recognize it and then I do better. And it’s not because I’m trying to be Mrs goody two shoes, it’s because I feel so much better and happier when I do the things I know are good for me and avoid the things I know drag me down or make me feel bad.

We live in a world where people are telling us up is down and down is up. Guess what? Up is up and down is down and that doesn’t change just because someone says it does and neither does your worthiness. Your worthiness is not tied up in the validation of other people. And it isn’t tied up in your accomplishments. Your baseline from here on out must be that you’re worthy no matter what. Worthiness isn’t up for question so let’s take that off the table, but adding value to yourself and the world in general now that’s up to you. Each daily decision we make is important because they add up. The things we watch, the things we read, the food we eat and the people we surround ourselves with. Is this thing I’m doing adding value to my life or distracting me from a life I’m unhappy with. And if you are unhappy in your life….do something about it, don’t just stay there. You can and must change it.

I’m a pretty good sleeper but if I wake up in the middle of the night, my brain wants to remind me of anything that might go wrong…can you relate??? why does everything seem worse at night? Anyway, I’ve been listening to these sleep stories on the calm app. These are soooo good, there’s one called “Rainy day in Paris”. The main character is heading to Paris on a train for the weekend but it starts pouring down rain, which was not her expectation and so she’s a little bummed and expresses her disappointment to the Proprietor of her hotel, to which he says “Today is going to be a good day, you’ll see” and hands her a pre-planned itinerary for guests that are in Paris on a rainy day…it has a map and sends her on kind of a little bit of a scavenger hunt throughout the city and gives her a plan and it’s exciting and it’s fun. She has the best day ever during a rainstorm in Paris. I mean the proprietor didn’t stop the rain, he just gave her a new perspective of how to enjoy Paris especially in the rain. You can’t control all of your circumstances. But you can control your perspective on it. And in order to do that you have to have the right frame of mind.

So my challenge to you this week. Your mantra from here on out “My baseline is that I’m worthy”. That is true no matter what. And then I want you to ask yourself this question to every decision you make…even the little ones because it adds up….So the question is ”Is this adding value to my life or is it distracting me?” “Is this food making me healthier?” “Is this conversation up building to my relationship?” “Is what I’m reading or watching adding value and helping me have a good perspective for my day?” If it’s not, don’t beat yourself up, just change it. I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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