What you want could be a thought download away.
Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 235 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!
How many of you have ever had something that you want but you don’t have it?
Most of us, right?
In this episode we are going to figure out how to figure out why you don’t have what you want. That’s a big deal so be sure to share it with as many people as you can…..
It might be a certain car or a certain partner or maybe it’s a good relationship with a certain person that you struggle with. Right now you are probably thinking of what that is.
So my question to you is why don’t you have it? Or another question I have for you is “do you have it already and you just don’t know it?
I do a thought download every day which is basically just I write down all the thoughts I have in my head either generally at the moment or regarding a specific topic. Whatever comes in your head, you write it down. and this last week during one of my thought downloads, I was sort of putting it out to the universe for clarity on what I wanted. It was clarity For myself but also so it’s out there as something I really want. I am going to detail clearly how you do a thought download at the end of this episode.
And as I went over my thoughts, download. There were 6 things that I wrote down. Pretty big things but as I looked at them. I realized there were 3 of them I most definitely already have. I didn’t really realize it until I put it on paper.
So then I thought why do I have those things but I don’t have the other 3?
And after giving it some thought I realized I had a very specific plan for the three things I’ve already accomplished. I knew exactly how I wanted it to look and exactly what I needed to do to make it happen and I also knew I was willing to do the things it took to get there. These were things I believed I could have, and believed they were all 3 within my power, my personal power to have them and I had no conflicting thoughts about them. That’s pretty powerful. Of course you’re going to have that if you think about it that way.
I realized The other 3 things are not so much. My thoughts about them are very different.
I think those things depend on other people to make happen because I don’t know how to do it so I have to have help. But I also realized there is a certain level of responsibility that comes with them and sometimes responsibility makes me uncomfortable. I equate freedom with a lack of responsibility and freedom is high on my list of priorities. So there’s a lot of conflicting thoughts that I didn’t realize were there until I did this thought download. When you’re conflicted about something. You’ll never have it because you aren’t even sure you want what comes with it so of course you wouldn’t be all in on doing what it takes to get it.
So for instance if you want a car let’s say your car you want is a Range Rover. You love those cars but you also have heard they require a lot of maintenance and are expensive to maintain and oh by the way not good on gas mileage so even though you like it and you think oh if I could have that I would be happy you won’t let yourself consider it seriously because you think the hassle will be more than the reward. You also think there’s no way you could afford it in the first place. So you think you want it but you have conflicting thoughts about it so Even if you could afford it, you wouldn’t consider it. I give this example because I love range rovers and I knew how I wanted it to look down to the sheen of the interior wood grain. My husband was on board and knew what he was willing to pay. We had no conflicting thoughts and ultimately found the one that met both of our requirements. Done.
So. My point in all of this is this. If there’s something you REALLY want like definitely you think it’s meant to be yours. Do a thought download about it, whatever it is: car, partner, weightless, business. Anything you want. Figure out where you’re having conflicting thoughts and clean them up. It’s in your power to have what you want. What’s meant for you will be yours, you just have to line up with it and know what’s holding you back from going all in.
And right now some of you are thinking. Yeah right. If I want Brad Pitt..or if I want Angelina Jolie to be my partner that’s never gonna happen. Well what I’m here to say is this. You turn yourself into someone that Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie would consider and you’ll get your version of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, the one that’s right for you. How do you know The one that’s right for you? Thought download on exactly what you want from a partner.
Because here’s the thing. Maybe You have a passionate belief that the world is doing well, has plenty of natural resources and can take care of itself but Brad has a passionate belief that the resources are limited and humans have to save it from other humans. Oh and maybe you believe in God and Brad doesn’t. Maybe he eats meat and you don’t. You probably aren’t going to cross paths with that guy because there’s nothing to align you with but you will cross paths with YOUR version of that guy. You get fit and healthy and clear and happy and authentic and that’s magnetic.. You get there and you’ll have 50 Brads to choose from, and they will be more in sync with you which is what you ultimately want and you knew that because you did your thought download. That’s actually how I met my husband. He had a list of what he wanted and so did I. Now he carried us around in his wallet where mine was in my head but we had it nonetheless. He actually let me read his list when we first met. It was awesome. I may do an episode on that.
The power of the thought download is incredible because you also see where you have conflicting thoughts. That’s a big reason why people don’t have what they want..they’re conflicted. I’ll give you an example. Maybe you’ve been trying to lose weight or trying to slow down on alcohol but after a thought download either by yourself or with a life coach you realize..you’re afraid if you lose weight or you slow down on alcohol you will feel isolated from your friends and family because that’s what brings you together in a way. No one wants to feel isolated, we are hardwired to believe that means death, our ancestors if they were isolated from the tribe that meant death. so of course you keep eating or drinking because in a way it’s the difference between life and death. Powerful stuff. But so so fixable. You just have to get to the bottom of why. Why you’re doing what you’re doing that blocks what you ultimately want.
You and only you stand in the way of what you want. No one else can stop you from having it. Believing they can give all your power away.
You may not even realize you believe they can until you write it down. Kind of like my thought that the 3 things I want that I don’t have require other people to make it happen. I realized it doesn’t. I can figure it out. And if I need to hire someone, I control that too. I’m not giving my power to that invisible hero that will swoop in and be the thing I need. Me believing I can be my own hero and I can figure it out is the missing puzzle piece.
What’s your missing puzzle piece? You can be one thought download away from finding that.
This thought download doesn’t have to take long. It could be 5 minutes of writing down on a piece of paper or in your notes app every thought you have going through your head about a certain subject. Good or bad. Positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Get them all out of your head and down on paper. You’ll be surprised. Sometimes you don’t realize your thoughts until you write them down. You don’t have to solve them, you don’t have to turn them around, you just have to know they’re there. You can do this for anything or anyone.
My challenge to you this week is to get a notebook, I have one of those remarkable notebooks. I love it. But however you do it. Start doing a thought download on something you want but you don’t have. Write down every thought you have, good or bad. You might be surprised at the thoughts you have that simply aren’t true and also the thoughts that definitely are conflicting. You could quickly identify why you don’t have it. And then decide whether you want to hang onto those thoughts or find a way to the ones that serve you.
And let me say this…life coaches are trained to help you do this so if you want a little extra help reach out to a life coach. I have a few available spots open if you’d like to email me or I could refer you to others as well.
I love you guys. I’ll talk to you in a few days.