Your brain is a liar!

Episode 210
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Your brain is a liar!

Welcome to Episode 210 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!!

I was in a barbell class this last week and the instructor was telling us not to give up and she said I know your brain is telling you you’re tired, that you can’t keep going but guess what? Your brain is a liar!! Your brain just wants to take the easy way out! Tell your brain you got this…

I leaned over to my friend and said “I feel an episode coming out of that statement” so Thank you Reagan for the inspiration this one is for you!

You know when someone with a little authority says something and we used to believe it because people in authority aren’t supposed to lie right? And now we know they do so now we are somewhat skeptical and we have to do our own research?

This is how we should be thinking about our brains as well. Our brain will lie to us to try to keep us safe or what it thinks is safe. My brain did want to quit when she said that. I really was thinking there is no way I have 3 more of these in me but I did! I had 3 more easily in me and I would never have known that had I not kept going.

You know the saying: tell a lie loud enough, long enough and frequently enough and people will eventually believe it to be the truth. I’ve got news for you. Your brain does this all the time.

Think about it. Those thoughts like “I’ll never lose this weight, “I can’t help it, it’s hereditary” “I don’t have the skills” “Im not smart enough” “I can’t run” I’m not like those people, or how about one I hear a lot “I don’t have discipline” And these are just a few of the thousands of thoughts we have been telling ourselves over and over and over so much so that we just think its true.

It’s time we start doing our own research, it’s time to shut down the belief wheel we have in our head and take some responsibility for what we believe and what we won’t believe about the thoughts our brain is sending us. It’s usually beliefs that have been handed down for generations. So for instance “I’ll never lose the weight” becomes “I can lose the weight, It’s just easier not to”. “I am smart enough, I just haven’t committed to finding a way.” I do have discipline, I’m simply making a decision to do something different.” You Can even frame it as a question…“It’s only hereditary if I decide to stay in it, How can I be the one that breaks that family pattern?”

My challenge to you this week is to push back on every limiting thought you have as if you think that’s the craziest thing you’ve ever heard. We have upwards of 60,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are negative. Beliefs are just thoughts we have had forever…push back on them. Stop believing everything your brain throws out there.

When you think something negative about yourself, just say wait a minute…that’s crazy. That isn’t even true, not for a minute.

I love you guys. I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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